Thank you for your interest in our conference! All the panels have been scheduled and we are no longer accepting abstracts at this time.
Please join us May 14th and 15th! Click here to register for the conference.
Here is the archived call for papers:

“Making and Unmaking Southeast Asian Spaces”
Annual SEASGRAD Conference
Theme: “Making and Unmaking Southeast Asian Spaces”
Deadline for submissions: February 15, 2021
Notification of acceptance: March 14, 2021
Full name / name of organization: University of California, Riverside, SEASGRAD
Contact email:
Conference dates: May 14, 2021
Location: Zoom
On May 14, 2021, the Southeast Asian Studies Graduate Student Association (SEASGRAD) at the University of California, Riverside will host its second annual conference. While the conference in the past has been held in-person, this year, for the safety of all participants, we will be holding the conference virtually. We intend this conference to provide a platform for engaging with interdisciplinary research in Southeast Asian Studies, to create a communal space for generative dialogue and networking, and to support emerging student-scholars and artists in the field. We welcome proposals from graduate students as well as advanced undergraduates. This year’s conference also welcomes digital research poster submissions and virtual performances.
Through this year’s theme, “Making and Unmaking Southeast Asian Spaces,” we are interested in the instrumental role of space in the cultural, political, and social developments of Southeast Asian communities both within the region and across Southeast Asian diasporas. We are further interested in the ways that intellectuals, activists, and cultural producers imbue and embody spaces––expansively––for community, coalition, and resistance. Potential topics may include:
- Transnational spaces and spaces of migration
- Borders and boundaries in and between spaces, bodies, groups, nations, genres, etc.
- Spaces of community activism and social justice
- The body as a space; space and its relations with corporeality and embodiment
- Space and its intersections with identity (vis-à-vis race, gender, sexuality, disability, religion, class, nationality, etc.)
- The politics of localization and globalization
- Virtual spaces, online communities, and social networks
- Nationalism, nation-building, power structures and their marginalizing effects
- Environment, ecology, and the politics of space
- Representations of Southeast Asian spaces in literary and cultural forms
- Spaces in/of cultural, spiritual, and ritual practices
Individual and Panel CFP
Participants may submit a full panel proposal or respond to the individual call for papers. Abstracts (250-300 words) for 15-minute presentations or panel proposals (1-2 pages) may be emailed to by February 15, 2021. We will confirm receipt of all submissions, and will respond with official decisions by March 14, 2021.
Digital Research Poster Presentation
Participants may also submit a digital research poster for presentation on our host website. If interested, email a 250-300 word abstract to by February 15, 2021 with the subject line: DRPP submission. By March 14, 2021, SEASGRAD will inform qualified proposals for the virtual exhibit. All submissions in the Individual/Panel CFP are considered for the Digital Research Poster Presentation.
When accepted, here are the Digital Poster Technical Specifications:
- Digital research posters or e-posters are multi-slide digital files, just like the ones used in an oral presentation. You should not include any recorded audio/video in the presentation.
- The aspect ratio for all e-posters must be 16:9. This is the default aspect ratio in PowerPoint. If you have the 2010 version of Powerpoint or an older version, please change the aspect ratio from 4:3 to 16:9.
- For this conference, we are taking the components of the usual, single-image poster and convert it into a 3-slide e-poster.
- The first slide should contain the title of your abstract, your name, e-mail affiliation/s, and corresponding logo/image.
- The second slide should have the introduction to your study, method, data analysis, and/or discussion.
- The final slide should present your results, conclusion/s, and/or bibliography.
- To ensure screen legibility, it is strongly recommended that all fonts be size 28 or larger.
- You may include images in your presentation. Applicable image file formats include: JPEG, TIFF, BMP, and PNG. Videos/animations/GIF will not be allowed in the presentation.
- All digital research posters must be saved and uploaded as a PDF.
Send the digital poster to on or before April 26, 2021.
When selected for the virtual exhibit, you have the option to include any of the following in your reply email: a link to your project, a web address that may contain an extended version of your research, or a url to a video presentation (talking head) that explains your work.
Virtual Performance Space
SEASGRAD also opens the space for a virtual exhibit of pre-recorded performances (music, dance, visual arts, theater, spoken poetry, film, etc.) that relates to the theme. These may be projects that have been uploaded online or have been recorded digitally in the last five years. The length of a recorded performance may not exceed 15 minutes. If interested, please send a url of your work to with the subject line: VPS submission by February 15, 2021.
Include a 150-word blurb that speaks of your project/artwork and how it is relevant to the theme of the conference. A confirmation of the acceptance of your work for virtual exhibit will be sent through email by March 14, 2021.
In your individual, panel, digital poster, and virtual performance submission, please include the following details: name, pronouns, department, university affiliation, email, AV requirements (if you have any/and as applicable), any additional accommodations you may need, and a short bio (50-100 words).
Please direct questions to the conference committee at